Canadian Cycling Maps

Canada Cycling Maps

Links to Provincial, Regional and City Bicycle Maps

Bike paths across Canada are evolving each year. Always ask a local for their advice on the safest route through an urban sprawl. Bike shops are great places to stop to ask for directions.

All Canadian cities have begun building bicycle infrastructure—enlarging shoulders, creating off-road paved bike paths, better bike signage. Between cities there are still gaps in bike networks. In only a few provinces there exists provincial-wide organisations that work on improving these networks, such as Vélo Québec, Ontario By Bike™ and Bike BC.


Trans-Canada Highway

Here is a website by Mark Ruthenberg with information on the highway, coast-to-coast. The highway will be a big part of your trip. It is maintained provincially and some sections are in better condition than others. I have linked to Mark's specific page on cycling with suggestions from across the country.


Provincial and City


Canada Relief Map